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Twelve 1996 Go Problems
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to step to the next month.
Each problem has a (very) subjective difficulty rating, * being
easy, ***** being hard.
January ***
White to play and capture two marked stones.
Updated Oct 1999.
February *****
White to play and kill Black cleanly - No kos or sekis.
March **
Black to play.
April *
Black to play and kill.
May *
Black to play.
June ***
White to play and kill.
July *
When can Black 4 be tenuki instead?
August *****
Black to play and live. February revisited.
September ***
Black to play and live his group on the left or kill the White group on
the right (or both).
October ****
Black to play and kill.
November *****
White to play and kill. The final installment.
December ****
What happened next and what happened in the end?
Note - December's answer includes 11 full board gifs, totalling 80KBytes.
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British Go Association
Last updated 2005-03-06
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