Home > Steve > Go > Problem of the month
This is an ancient problem and is rated as quite hard. I've been working on it all month and I still haven't come up with the "solution".
I originally came across it at Canterbury 1992 where Matthew MacFadyen was offering it for contemplation.
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This 2-3 point attack lets Black live with two eyes.
This one is a ko.
I couldn't find any black moves that countered this White 1. I was happy that I had solved it until I spoke to Matthew M.
I have yet to solve the problem with Black 2 as the reply. They all seem to lead to live black groups and sekis.
Hmm. I'll have to keep working on it.
Investigation of this continues in August's
I have also written a series of articles based on this problem in the
British Go Journal numbers 105 to 108.
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Problem of the month
British Go Association
Last updated 2004-08-10
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