Home > Steve > Go > Problem of the month
I cannot read the question or the answer, but it appears to be Black to play and kill. The wrong answer diagrams have white living.
Black has to maintain a careful balance between limiting White's expansion and ensuring key stones are played inside White's eyespace.
White can live by cutting and extending. He gets one eye to the left of 8 and one by capturing 1 & 3.
If White draws back with 2 instead, trying to make shape, he fails. 3 & 7 connect out by capturing two white stones, leaving White with just one eye.
The placement of Black 1 here nearly works. However capturing the four white stones on the right doesn't help as 1 & 7 are quickly recaptured.
This 1 & 3 lead to a ko. 1 is safely connected to the outside as
White gets his two stones captured if he cuts.
If 8 connects above 1, 9 connects 1 on the first line, 10 retakes the ko
and black 11 needs a ko threat. Extending to the left of 1 is NOT a ko
threat as White just captures 5.
The placement of 3 turns out to be worse than dia 5. White lives
If Black cuts white into two parts, White can capture the three (or
four) Black stones ending up happy.
The descent of 1 can be answered at 2 which guarantees two eyes at
Careful inspection reveals that this move 1 works, however White wriggles.
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Problem of the month
British Go Association
Last updated 2004-08-10
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