Home > Steve > Go > Problem of the month
In a recent game at West Surrey, some White stones (not shown) were
captured in the centre. Whilst this was happening White managed to build
the group in the corner.
I was white, and I thought I could make the corner live, however I failed when Black attacked. Post game analysis showed that the situation is unsettled and that White needs another move to survive.
Note that we have a potential gun nakade shape in the
corner and that Black can throw in at to reduce white's eyespace.
The centre of the gun defines the vital point.
3 spoils the eye started with 2. 6 and 7 are miai. Capturing the three stones in the corner does nothing for white.
Here white aims for a seki, with a wide eyespace. However we have
the bent four in the corner which leaves white dead. It is
called bent four despite the fact that it is usually 3 stones (1, 5 and
one at ) in a
5 point space!
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Problem of the month
British Go Association
Last updated 2004-08-10
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