Home > Steve > Go > Problem of the month

November 1997's Go Answer of the Month

Dia 1 - Black to play and live unconditionally.

Dia 1

It is apparent that Black can get one eye only in the centre of the board. The problem is therefore to make an eye on the edge.

Dia 2 - Atari on the upper stone.

Dia 2

This doesn't work since the ataried stone can link out and white square is protected by its ability to capture black triangle.

Dia 3 - Atari on the lower stone.

Dia 3 8 at 3.

This is no better, Black tries a throw-in with 3, but it is too slow and he fails to make an eye by capture.

Increasing a sacrifice by extending the ataried lower stone at 2 is no help. White just answers above 2 and attacks on the upper white stone are still too slow.

Dia 4 - The solution is a jump to the edge.

Dia 4

And now White cannot fill at 3 with 6 as all four stones would be captured. He has to play 6 allowing the capture of 4 and triangle.

A Black play at 4 makes triangle an eye on the edge. A Black play below 5 makes two eyes on the edge.

Dia 5 - If White 2 responds by protecting the upper stone.

Dia 5

Black is able to rescue his ataried lower stone and make an eye on capturing the lower white stone.

Home > Steve > Go > Problem of the month
British Go Association
Last updated 2004-08-10
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