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It is apparent that Black can get one eye only in the centre of the board. The problem is therefore to make an eye on the edge.
This doesn't work since the ataried stone can link out and white is protected by its ability to capture black
8 at 3.
This is no better, Black tries a throw-in with 3, but it is too slow and he fails to make an eye by capture.
Increasing a sacrifice by extending the ataried lower stone at 2 is no help. White just answers above 2 and attacks on the upper white stone are still too slow.
And now White cannot fill at 3 with 6 as all four stones would be captured. He has to play 6 allowing the capture of 4 and .
A Black play at 4 makes an eye on the edge. A Black play below 5 makes two eyes on the edge.
Black is able to rescue his ataried lower stone and make an eye on capturing the lower white stone.
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Problem of the month
British Go Association
Last updated 2004-08-10
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