Home > Steve > Go > Problem of the month

August 1997's Go Answer of the Month

In February I presented a problem and gave an answer which Matti Siivola (5d) of Finland pointed out was incorrect.

This month's problem is to find what was wrong with the answer I gave.

Dia 1 - The original problem: Status?

Dia 1

Dias 2, 3 & 4 - The incorrect original answer: "White can live."

Dia 2   Dia 3   Dia 4 11 at 8.

It turns out that White can't live here. What does Black do differently to kill White.

(For those who care, I have modified the problem in February 1997's page so that the original answer given is correct - I hope.)

Dia 5 - Black creates a shortage of liberties.

Dia 5

By playing 2 here early, Black forces White into a shortage of liberties. When Black captures the four White stones with 6, White has no time to play "under the stones".

In February 1997's revision, I have given the right half of White's group an extra liberty to prevent this scenario being a problem.

Home > Steve > Go > Problem of the month
British Go Association
Last updated 2004-08-10
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