Home > Steve > Go > Problem of the month

February 1997's Go Answer of the Month

Dia 1 - Status?

Dia 1

Problem revised July 1997 following error reported by Matti Siivola.

The status is: Black can kill. White can live with territory.

Black can kill.

This is sufficiently obvious that I'm not wasting bandwidth including a diagram.

Dia 2 - White can get it wrong.

Dia 2 4 at triangle.

There are several sequences that white can play that lead to one eye. Many involve snapbacks such as occur if white 5 captures 2 here.

Dia 3, 4, 5 & 6 - White can live.

Dia 3   Dia 4   Dia 5   Dia 6

White starts with the unlikely move of 1 which is bound to be captured and with 3 extends his sacrificial offer. 5 is that well known "under the stones" tesuji. Black's attempts (6 and 8) to falsify the eye fail and White lives - albeit just with two points.

Home > Steve > Go > Problem of the month
British Go Association
Last updated 2004-08-10
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