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August 2003's Go Answer of the Month

Dia 1 Fuseki question.

Dia 1

This is a from a fuseki tutorial article in an old British Go Journal. Black to play and approach the lower left corner.

Indeed the article is by TMark Hall on page 21 of BGJ 42 and the answers here are paraphrased from it.

There are three standard approaches to the 3-3 point - I'm not going to consider non-standard approaches: the 4-4 shoulder hit; the large knight approach from above; and the large knight approach from the right.

Dia 2 Shoulder hit.

Dia 2

This looks very similar even if white 2' extends the other way. White gets a good corner undercutting black on both sides and black is not making as much use of his two adjacent corners as he might.

Dia 3 From the right.

Dia 3

Here black has extended from his strong lower right corner allowing white to expand in front og the upper left shimari. Black has not made good enough use of his resources and so white is happy with this.

Dia 4 From above.

Dia 4

In this case black is happy since he has developed in a large fashion from his shimari and white has extended towards black's strong corner which will not be as profitable for white as he desires. Also Black now has sente.

Dia 4 is the result Black would like. White can do better though.

Dia 5 White takes sente.

Dia 5

By settling himself with 2 here (see Ishida vol 3 page 252 dia 6) and not approaching the strong corner, white can take sente after the sequence of Dia 5.

Home > Steve > Go > Problem of the month
British Go Association
Last updated 2004-08-10
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