Home > Steve > Go > Problem of the month

April 2003's Go Answer of the Month

Dias A1, B1 & C1 - Black to play.

Dia A1   Dia B1   Dia C1

Nothing complex this month. Just three "Black to play" corner problems.

Dia A2 - Straightforward.

Dia A2

Black 1 here is a straightforward move and both it and 3 are sente providing the time for splitting the 3-space into 2 eyes with 5.

If 1' is played at 3, then White 2' can extend to 1 and a ko follows. If White plays 2' in the Dia sequence either at 3 or as an atari on 1, then Black can get one eye on the left and can capture enough of the white stones to get a second on the right.

Dia B2 - Even more straightforward.

Dia B2

Some of you may be asking "where is the problem here?" This is a simple problem, with 1 being an obvious move. The only challenge about this is that some folk fail to see, before playing 1, that 3 makes an eye.

Dia C2 & C3 - A ko.

Dia C2   Dia C3 7 ko threat, 8 ko answer, 9 at triangle, 10 ko threat, 11 connects at 6 for a 4-in-a-row eyespace.

This problem, of the three, requires the most thought. 1 as shown is the only move which works, all others fail:

Home > Steve > Go > Problem of the month
British Go Association
Last updated 2004-08-10
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