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Black has one obvious eye. Can he make a second?
5 at
black , 6 at
1, 10 at white
In this sort of situation, "everyone" knows the tesuji of Black 1 in Dia 2, increasing the sacrifice of Black to two stones causing White a shortage of liberties.
2 dutifully captures the sacrificed stones. 3 stops 2 white eyes and 4 attempts to connect out. 5 is the second part of the tesuji #150; throwing in another sacrificial stone which 6 duly takes. 7 ataris all the White stones.
But then Dia 3 follows throwing all Black's plans into chaos. 8 captures the cutting stone so that 9 only captures two stones putting the remaining Whites into atari.
White can now connect his stones up leaving Black time to make a second eye. But White just recaptures 9 with 10 and Black is foiled. The tesuji failed here!
5 at
Black , 6 at
White , 7 at
So having discovered the Dias 2 & 3, Black tries a different start. The gentle approach of Black 1 in Dia 4. All he gets here is a ko.
Is this all Black can achieve?
8 at
You can get so involved in playing the standard moves that when they don't work, you miss the move that does. Instead of 5 in Dia 2, try 5 in Dia 5.
Black can't connect with 6 as he will then be out of liberties. So he captures with 6, gaining a liberty which 7 immediately removes. Again White 8' cannot be at 9 more liberty shortages. So Black 9 gets to capture the two corner stones and Black has a second eye.
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British Go Association
Last updated 2004-08-10
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