Convention List / Convention Contents
This page starts by listing what conventions exist. The details of
the conventions themselves follow.
- Purpose of conventions
- Target browser / HTML variant
- Types of files / filenaming
- General - *.html
- Issue Contents - bgjNNN.html
- Article - NNNPP.html
- Text - *.txt
- Ishi game record - *.go
- SGF game ercord - *.sgf
- HTML at start of page
- HTML at end of page
- Contents pages body
- A game Article
- Intro
- Body text
- Colour capitalisation
- Alternative move identification
- Marked point referencing
- Symbol gifs
- BGJ errors
- Body diagrams and commentary
- Format
- Diagram widths
- Ko lists
- Displaying moves above 100
The purpose of this page is to define the conventions and styles used
in the EBGJ pages. Some of the conventions are HTMLish, some are GOish
and some are STYLEish. It is my, Steve Bailey's, intense desire
that a common style be used throughout all the issues and articles.
Initially at least, all the comments below are in no particular
order. Once typed, they may get sorted. This is a large document
but, hopefully, not a difficult one to cope with.
Due to the HTML descriptions written for display in this document,
you may find it helpful additionally to save the file as a text file and
review that version with a text editor.
Target browser / HTML
There is no specific browser intended to be used when viewing the
EBGJ pages. However the article content is such that use of a
non-graphic browser would fail. Every article is proofread with a version of
Microsoft Explorer (MSIE) and Netscape (NS). Currently these are old
versions - MSIE:3.0a and NS:2.02. Random checks are made with these
browsers adjusting the font sizes and other options to check for
continued readability. Obviously there is no specific target computer,
PCs, Unix boxes, Macs, Acorns etc are all equally targeted.
Once posted on the BRITGO site, the articles are run through a web
page validator - maybe not immediately, but within a couple of
months. I am currently using, compliant to Wilbur 3.2.
The pages should comply with that standard although there are
certain known, intentional deviations, listed later.
Types of files
There are three types of HTML pages used in the EBGJ, contributing
to the 6 types of file used.
All filenames are lower case throughout. HTML files are
*.html on the BRITGO site, although Steve Bailey tests them all as *.htm
for Operating System reasons.
- General HTML
- Pages which are not issue specific such as: the main index page,
the glossary page. Filename: *.html (eg bgj.html,
- Issue content HTML
- Each BGJ issue has one of these. They include a list of all the
articles in the issue but only have links to those which have actually
been put on the web. Filename: bgj???.html where ??? is a the
three digit issue number with leading zeroes (eg 015 for issue 15), (eg
- Article HTML
- Self-evident I hope. There are style variants for types of articles
(teaching, games, problems...). Filename: ?????.html or rarely
??????.html where the first 3 ??? are the issue number with
leading zeroes (eg 015 for issue 15), the next two ?? are the number of
the first page of the article, including a leading zero if needed (eg 05
for an article starting on page 5), and in the rare event of two
articles starting on the same page, a lower case letter for the last ?.
So valid filenames are 12345.html for page 45 of issue 123, 00001.html
for page 1 of issue 0 (and there was an issue 0), 01505b.html for the
second article to start on page 5 of issue 15.
- Text
- Rare, these usually contain related information, such as
documentation, rather than direct web 'stuff'. Filename: *.txt
- *.GO
- Game record in Ishi or Go Scribe format. Filename: *.go
where * matches the associated *.html file. Generally articles with
multiple games reported are split into multiple web pages with different
* names.
- *.SGF
- Game record in Smart Go Format. Filename: *.sgf where *
matches *.go
HTML at start of page
Items shown in italic should be replaced by the relevant
information. Text required to be in italic will be indicated by
displaying <i> and </i>, not by italicising the text. Long
lines in the sample code below are wrapped for this page's display
purposes. Line wrapping should be used on the real HTML to keep line
length below 80 characters normally, it will be different to wrap
positions shown here.
Blank lines may (and should) be put in to the HTML to make it easier
to maintain the pages. They are inconsistent in the lists below.
The following lists HTML code, discussing each group of lines of
HTML coding after they are listed.
- Wilbur 3.2 compliance specification
- Standard
<title> British Go Journal. Title of Page.
<title> British Go Journal Issue number. Month/Season
Year. </title>
<title> British Go Journal Issue number. Month/Season
Year. Page Page number. </title>
- Use these for General / Contents / Article pages
Contents pages uses full month names (eg September) and 4 digit years.
Article pages use 3 letter month names (eg Sep) and 2 digit years to
leave more room for the page number. The page number could include a
letter (eg Page 5a).
- Standard
<body bgcolor="#c0c0ff">
<body bgcolor="#ffff80">
<body bgcolor="#80ffc0">
<body bgcolor="#80ffff">
<body bgcolor="#ffc080">
- Select the relevant background colour:
~ A ghastly purple background colour for General pages - c0c0ff.
~ Yellow for winter (Dec, Jan, Feb) Contents and Articles - ffff80
~ Green for spring (Mar, Apr, May) Contents and Articles - 80ffc0
~ Sky blue for summer (Jun, Jul, Aug) Contents and Articles - 80ffff
~ Brown for autumn (Sep, Oct, Nov) Contents and Articles - ffc080
<h1 align=center> <a name="start"> British
Go Journal.</a> </h1>
<h1 align=center> <a name="start"> British Go
Journal Issue number.</a> </h1>
<p align=center> <b> <a name="start"
href="URL of issue contents page"> British Go Journal
No. Issue number.</a> Month/Season Year. Page
Page number. </b> </p>
- Use these for General / Contents / Article pages
Note that these are the anchor "start", for use as a destination
from elsewhere in the page.
Article pages use 3 letter month names (eg Sep) and 2 digit years to
leave more room for the page number. They are also bold paragraphs
rather than type 1 headings. The page number could include a letter (eg
Page 5a).
<h2 align=center> Title of Page. </h2>
- For General pages only.
On some pages, the Title of Page may want to be a link (eg the
issue index page - bgj.html).
Capitalise each word in the title.
<h2 align=center> Month/Season Year. </h2>
<p align=center> Editors: First Editor, Second
Editor. </p>
- Two lines for Contents pages only.
Month name in full, Year as 4 digits.
Make the editor list singular or plural as appropriate. Omit the line if
the editor is unknown.
<h1 align=center> Title of Article. </h1>
<h2 align=center> Optional subtitle of article. </h2>
<p align=center> <b> Author of article if known.
</b> </p>
- Up to three lines for Article pages only.
Subtitles are uncommon.
Capitalise each word in the titles and subtitles.
At this point we are into the body of the page.
HTML at end of page
This is described in the same fashion as the start of the pages.
Note that this section is mostly compatible with other BRITGO pages
rather than the HTML style of the EBGJ pages. Capitalisation and tagging
are very different - but it works, so leave it alone.
<hr align=center width="80%" size=3>
- In article pages, use this line before the end of page blurb only if line separators
have been used throughout the article body. Otherwise omit it.
Omit this line in Contents pages.
<p> <a href="#start"> <img src="previous.gif"
height=20 width=20 alt="[Start]" border=0></a> </p>
<p> <a href="#start"> <img src="previous.gif"
height=20 width=20 alt="[Start]" border=0></a> <i>
Links to related pages. </i> </p>
<p> <a href="#start"> <img
src="previous.gif" height=20 width=20 alt="[Start]"
border=0></a> <i> The article continues with another game
on <a href="98712.htm"> page 12</a>. </i>
<p> <a href="#start"> <img
src="previous.gif" height=20 width=20 alt="[Start]"
border=0></a> <i> There are other problems (<a
href="98711.htm"> p11</a>, <a
href="98721.htm"> p21</a>). Solutions to them all are
to be found on <a href="98727.htm"> page 27</a>.
</i> </p>
- Every Article page ends with an
image which is a link to the start of
that page.
Some pages require links to related pages - for example the next article
in a series; the solution the the problems in this page; other problem
pages in the same issue; the next game in a multi-game article; etc.
The first line here is the "raw" line. The next a generic
description. The remainder are the examples below (the links will NOT
The article continues with another game on page 12.
There are other problems (p11, p21). Solutions to them
all are to be found on page 27.
Generally the comments are italicised if they are not in the original
BGJ article.
Omit this for Contents pages.
<hr align=center width="80%" size=3>
- Standard
- Standard
This article is from the
<font size="+2">B</font>ritish <font
size="+2">G</font>o <font
<a href="URL of Issue contents">Issue
Issue number </a>
- For Article pages only.
This is one of a <a
href="bgj.htm">series</a> of back issues now available
on the web.
- For Contents pages only.
These pages are part of the
<font size="+2">B</font>ritish <font
size="+2">G</font>o <font
<a href="../index.htm">web site.</a>
- Standard
- ...
- For General pages, suitably phrased reference links to bgj.html and
the main web site should be provided.
Last updated Date as 4-digit-year hyphen 2-digit-month
hyphen 2-digit-day
- Standard
Email: <a
- Standard
Copyright © British Go Association Year of
publication of BGJ , Year page written or edited
- Standard
<hr align=center width="80%" size=3>
- Standard
Contents pages body
The Contents pages are basically an unordered list. The recommended
procedure is to take an existing one and edit it, taking great care over
the start and end coding.
Description of the Contents pages body:
- Standard
<li> Article title
- The title of a BGJ article which has not been reproduced as an EBGJ
page. Use sentence capitalisation and no trailing full stop.
<li> <a href="URL of article"> Article
- The title of a BGJ article which has been reproduced as an EBGJ
page. Use sentence capitalisation and no trailing full stop.
<li> <a href="URL of article">
Problem (pPage number)</a>
- Link to an article which is a problem. Similarly for problem
'Hint's and 'Solutions's.
Where there is more than one problem article in an issue (with identical
titles), distinguish them with the page number: (p11), (p15), (p22) etc
and for multiple solutions (p11, p15 & p22)
<li> <a href="98712.htm"> Article
title</a> <br>
<i> Black initial and surname v. White initial and
surname </i>
<small> (<a href="URL of *.go"> URL of
*.go</a>, <a href="URL of *.sgf"> URL
of *.sgf</a>) </small>
- An article of one game where the article title is the link.
<li> Article title <br>
<i> <a href="URL of article 1"> Game
1</a>: Black initial and surname v. White initial and
surname </i>
<small> (<a href="URL of *.go"> URL of
*.go</a>, <a href="URL of *.sgf"> URL
of *.sgf</a>) </small> <br>
<i> <a href="URL of article 2"> Game
2</a>: Black initial and surname v. White initial and
surname </i>
<small> (<a href="URL of *.go"> URL of
*.go</a>, <a href="URL of *.sgf"> URL
of *.sgf</a>) </small>
- A multi-game BGJ article handled as several EBGJ articles.
As the above is hard to read, an example is included below:
<li> Championship <br>
<i> <a href="98711.htm"> Game 1</a>: B. Black
v. W. White </i>
<small> (<a href="98711.go"> 98711.go</a>,
<a href="98711.sgf"> 98711.sgf</a>) </small>
<i> <a href="98712.htm"> Game 2</a>: B. Black
v. W. White </i>
<small> (<a href="98712.go"> 98712.go</a>,
<a href="98712.sgf"> 98712.sgf</a>) </small>
A game Article
All game articles start with a section detailing the players etc.
This is not direct BGJ text.
- <p> <b> Black: Forename (or initial).
Surname, Grade (k or d), Abbreviation for country
White: Forename (or initial). Surname, Grade (k or
d), Abbreviation for country <br>
- The names and strengths of the two players. The strength uses
initials k, d and p (for pro-dan) rather than kyu, dan, pro. If it is
not an international match, omit the country abbreviations. The country
abbreviations are things like GB, NL, USA, F etc.
There may need to be additional lines added here on occasion, for
example details of handicaps, komi or time limits.
The game-file in <a href="URL of *.go game
record"> Ishi</a> and <a href="URL of *.sgf
game record">
SGF</a> format. </p>
- ... says it all.
<p> <i>The article is continued from the
previous game on <a
href="URL of a previous game in a series"> page
Page number</a>. </i> </p>
- These lines are omitted if not applicable.
<hr align=center width="80%" size=3>
- A line between the intro and the real BGJ article.
Body text
Do this as regular text, "<p> Text...</p>" with
occasional "<ul>", "<li> Text..." and
"</ul>" and occasional "<h3>
Heading... </h3>" as appropriate.
Include links to referred diagrams if they are a long scroll away,
eg if a comment on Dia 5 refers back to Dia 1 where all are full board
Black, black, White and white. The convention used in these pages is
to alter the BGJ to meet the capitalisation criterion listed below.
- Capitalisation criterion:
- Use a capital letter at the start of a sentence and if the word
black/white refers to the player not the colour.
I handled this by mentally changing the names to Smith & Jones and
reading the phrse. If 'Jones' is sensible here, I capitalise the colour.
- Examples:
- ... and the white group ...
... and White's group ...
... then White captures the three black stones ...
... a white play at A makes it hard for Black...
When there is a references to an alternative move using the same
number as the main move in the diagram / position currently under
discussion, append an apostrophe to the move number.
- Alternative move number examples:
- if White plays 2' at 3, Black will play 3' at 2.
the white move at 2 could be at 3
When referring to marked points in a diagram, use unquoted capital
letters (A, B, C...) and gifs for triangles and squares etc.
There are some pages already done where the references are quoted
with single quotes, at some point I mean to go back and remove the
single quotes.
- The symbol gifs must have correct "alt" statements.
- Note that all the symbol gifs are the same size and are black on
transparent. At present only triangle and square exist. Circle,
diamond etc will be made as required.
<img src="triangle.gif" height=15 width=15
- A triangle.
<img src="square.gif" height=15 width=15
- A square.
Where the BGJ article is obviously wrong, is unclear or has a
paragraph or diagram which needs breaking into smaller parts. Comment on
that in parenthesised small italics:
- <small> <i> (BGJ erroneously has W122 here.)
</i> </small>
- An example BGJ error which should have been W112...
If reporting the error would brake up the flow locally, us a
superscript small italic footnote reference and report the error at the
next convenient point.
- <li> White 106: Very good. White's correct strategy is
to keep his
distance from the black group <sup> <small> [1]
</small> </sup>, and to
concentrate on getting rid of his own weaknesses. Solid, good shape
plays like 106 are particularly effective in taking away the weaknesses
against which Black might play forcing moves to make eyes. <br>
<small> <i> [1] BGJ had "white group". </i>
- An example of a a superscripted reference and footnote.
Good HTML defaults (approximately) to 7-bit US ASCII. Certain
characters have special meaning to HTML. The correct 'escape' sequences
should be used for unusual or reserved characters - these all start with
& and end with ;
- &
- &
- "
- " (NOT ")
- <
- <
- >
- >
- A non-breaking space
- ½
- ½ ({half} Not strictly good HTML 3.2, but generally works)
- £
- £ ({sterling} Not strictly good HTML 3.2, but generally works)
Body diagrams and commentary
Diagrams are as created by ENTERGO.BAS, a QBASIC program. They use
one or two mini-gifs per point, with two points per source line to ease
editing of diagrams later. Each row starts a new source line and is
commented in the source.
Each diagram is in a table - where two diagrams are less than 20
points wide in total, they may be joined into a three cell wide table.
The middle column containing a blank gif ("___") to separate the
two diagrams horizontally on less benevolent browsers. If the two
diagrams are different heights, the shorter one should be padded with
black gifs and <br> source lines.
Note that each gif is a three letter name and has no *.gif extension
- even though they are gifs - and that there is no ALT parameter. These
are deliberate violations of the spirit of HTML 3.2 for 'good' reason.
By default, the diagram titles are self-anchoring links. Only remove
the links if they are replaced by a more appropriate link immediately
prior to the diagram.
Ko lists etc, should be inside the table cell after a final and
additional <br> . Each entry should be comma separated,
using triangle gifs etc as required. Ensure that every stone not on the
diagram is explicitly listed here and that it is obvious where it is
played - IE don't write "123 ko", write "123 ko at 77"
Diagrams usually come as 'Diagram' (Dia) or 'Figure' (Fig).
For game figures, include the range of moves in parentheses with no
spaces and a hyphen immediately after the closing of the diagram name
<table> <tr> <td>
<a name="dia1" href="#dia1"> Diagram 1</a>
(1-9) <br>
<!-- row 7 --><img
src="gw_"><img src="gmd"><img
src="gmd"><img src="gmd"><img
src="gmd"><img src="gmd"><img
src="gmd"><img src="gmd"><br>
<!-- row 6 --><img
src="gw_"><img src="gmd"><img
src="b1_"><img src="c_2"><img
src="gmd"><img src="gmd"><img
src="gmd"><img src="gmd"><br>
<!-- row 5 --><img
src="gw_"><img src="b1_"><img
src="gmd"><img src="gmd"><img
src="gmd"><img src="gmd"><img
src="gmd"><img src="gmd"><br>
<!-- row 4 --><img
src="gw_"><img src="w~9"><img
src="b~2"><img src="b__"><img
src="gmd"><img src="gmd"><img
src="gmd"><img src="gmd"><br>
<!-- row 3 --><img
src="gw_"><img src="w1_"><img
src="w~1"><img src="w~3"><img
src="b~4"><img src="b~6"><img
src="b~8"><img src="gmd"><br>
<!-- row 2 --><img
src="gw_"><img src="gmd"><img
src="gmd"><img src="gmd"><img
src="w~5"><img src="w~7"><img
src="gmd"><img src="gmd"><br>
<!-- row 1 --><img
src="gsw"><img src="gs_"><img
src="gs_"><img src="gs_"><img
src="gs_"><img src="gs_"><img
src="gs_"><img src="gs_">
</table> <!-- Diagram 1 -->
All diagrams shall use stones numbered below (or =) 120. All
references to those stones will be to their actual move number. For
example stone 108 in a diagram may have associated text "308 is
Where a BGJ diagram breaches this criterion, split it into two diagrams
and add a note similar to the following after the self referencing at
the start of each diagram:
- <small> <i> BGJ had Fig 2a and 2b as one diagram,
Fig 2. </i> </small> <br>
Note that splitting a diagram into two is very involved due to
capturing and stones played where other stones are / were affecting the
Commented moves are done as an unordered list immediately after the
relevant diagram.
Depending upon how the BGJ text is phrased, start move comments as
- <li> Black 123: Relevant sentence
- Where the relevant sentence is separate from the move number and
starts with a capital letter.
- <li> Black 123 remainder of a sentence which
uses 'black 123' as the subject
- Where the move number is part of the sentence. The colon is omitted
and the capitalisation not used.
- Black 123-129:
- For a range of moves.
- Black 123, White 124:
- For a range of moves.
This is not a complete list of conventions already in use. Also
more will get themselves defined over the months. Please familiarise
yourself with existing files using both a browser and a text editor and
endeavour to do whatever, the same way it was done before.
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British Go Association
Last updated 2004-08-10
This page is part of